How it works

Sign Up to alivex
Let’'s start, it takes less than a minute! Click on the “Get Started” button and sign up to alivex using your email address or Facebook account.
Determine your 6 digit password and log in.
That’s all! Now, you’re a part of our family.
You can always update your personal information and password from the “My Profile” section and check your current activities and tickets from the “My Activities” section.
Can’t see these sections? They’re on the right top corner of the page under your name.

Discover Activities and Register
If you’re ready to discover sports activities near you; just visit alivex’s homepage and click on the activities you like to see the details.
Click “Register Now”, choose a category and fill the required details.
And voila! If you’re joining a free event, the registration process completed!
We’ll send your ticket and QR code via email.

Fast and Secure Payment
If you’re joining an event that requires payment you’ll be directed to the payment page.
Don’t worry, alivex offers world-class convenient, fast and secure payment systems.
Keep in mind that you can always check your ticket details from the “My Events” section as well as the email we’ll send to you right after your payment.

Ready? Let’s #LiveLifeActive

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